Get your product, idea or invention on retail store shelves!
Most inventors simply do not have the available capital, know-how or desire to completely develop and engineer their product, purchase tooling and ramp-up manufacturing, handle marketing and advertising, hire and train a sales force, manage inventory, establish and oversee inventory and the supply chain through warehousing and fulfillment, etc. – the list goes on.
The alternative and far more feasible approach is to license your invention and they pay you a royalty on sales. If this sounds like how you might want to proceed with launching your invention, product or idea then you’ve found the right place!
Benefits of Licensing Your Idea, Invention or Product
– when you license to a company, you don’t have the hassles and expense of manufacturing, marketing, distribution and sales.
– product gets to market faster
– you do not need to spend your money
– you will not need to learn new industries and marketing systems
– you get royalty payments
A message from the Product Development Experts president/owner:
We are here to assist inventors, companies and organizations who want to license or sell their idea, invention or product. I will supply you with expert product and invention license services and solutions that you can trust.
More on Product Licensing or Invention Licensing
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